Principles of free market speech, education, healthcare, housing and more

People don't understand the free market. They don't understand the principles of a free market educational system that may have some issues sure, however, goes along with the fundamentals of freedom of speech.

Money is a way of expressing ideas. So if you are to have true freedom of speech, you must have a truly free market economy. To regulate the economy is like regulating or censoring freedom of speech. To create regulations in the economy saying that you can't donate or create certain types of groups for instance has monopolizing affects, largely for the government itself.

For example, when a public school system is provided, the child learns what the state wants the child to learn. It's not a truly free market education. Plus, since the government is paying for it, the quality goes down and the price goes up. This is way vouchers to parents and their home states can provide an alternative...but also home schooling and other methods. You may not agree with them, but as an objective society, we should have the right to see them all and how effective they may or may not actually be.

Once you create a universal, governmental education, health or housing create regimented, state run systems that are dependency oriented and cause a shortage of services to large masses of people... such as FEMA, HUD, FDA, NSA, TSA etc etc. For instance, if pilots had permission to have a hand gun in the cockpit on 9/11...we could have seen if it would have been effective in resisting the hijacking. Same thing with education. If a teacher or parent at least has the right to try some different, free market approaches, then there can be more experimentation in practice and more innovative ideas can come up.

The regulations that we see in all fields of industry are largely created by corporations, special interest groups and their attorneys. In these situations, the monolithic big government assumes a parenting role with 'standards' that remove the fundamentals of liberty. The pilot is now not allowed to defend himself in what may seem a sensible manner, the teacher is now not allowed to teach children in what may seem a sensible manner, the contractor is not able to build a home on a piece of property in the most sensible manner because of some kind of bureaucratic red tape. Some 'regulation' imposed by someone who has ulterior motives.

The big government now assumes the parenting role. It assumes that it's standards and regulations can make a better decision than a person who is on location having personal, first hand experience. The government now assumes that it can raise your children better than you can and can decide what health care treatment or plan you need better than you and your own family doctor.

The government officials and their cronies often offer regulations that sound good, but are actually creating monopolies and protecting certain businesses and industries from competition and failure. Largely a competition for your mind...which is they way it should be... if there was no competition for your mind, you would have no choices to make and no critical thinking to do. Join us in the revolution!!!

free market principles

The startling truth about the President

What if Obama and Bush were really just a corporatists playing off our divisive views on moral issues like abortion and gay marriage...and in the process they're really working together as a part of a current establishment of the Rockefellers and other elite order to rob us as a nation by giving us a bunch fake loans and easy 'fiat money' and requiring us to pay it back with interest in many ways, including mass inflation and taxation?

Why democrats are feeling deceived by The President
Should the government be more powerful than the people?

Tell him to take Monsanto out of the FDA and Mars candy co out of the USDA....tell him to fire Goldman Sachs... !!! Who are we kidding... it's too late!!!

But still...please tell him we don't want corporations telling us how to live and eat and controlling our food supply.

Nothing personal against the man... but that's real talk!!!

What could be more offensive to Americans than to put a corporation in charge of a Federal agency in such a blatant manner?

We don't want we?!?!?!

That's about as right wing as it gets!

Ideally, Obama would have been my President too....because I would think of myself as a dem in most respects...but when he was getting all looked very phony to me.

I don't want to bring him down because I don't like something about the way he looks, his ethnicity or birthplace or something kinda neither here nor there in terms of actual policies being implemented. I would normally identify with a black guy on the left...but this guy is a corporate crony... he hired nothing but Goldman Sachs and Monsanto.

Think about it.... he is related to George Bush.... so, what if he's really just part of a massive corporate agenda to effectively enslave and control the American population, largely through currency manipulation and war?

I don't mean to make anyone mad or argue.... I just see him as a traitor to the left... democrats and liberals are normally anti war and anti corporate elite control... but this guys heading into another war based on intel from the same people who brought us Iraq and 9/11.... and he's creating a corporate government. Sadly, the news on tv doesn't report this's really very incriminating.

Sadly, many people will support him just because he's what they want to see, visually... he's a black man ... in the White House..... it's an illusion.

Think about it.... many people will vote for him just because of that one thing... then others will vote just because he has a D next to his name or his opponents have an R next to theirs... it's very superficial... surface oriented.

If we really went back and looked at the specifics of a lot of his policies...they are mostly the exact opposite of what a true freedom loving liberal or person of any kind would want.

It's like he's just continuing Bush policies with a communist seems very dangerous and honestly, kinda think that the government is more powerful than the people...and then to impose stricter gun control laws... I mean think about it... that's what Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao did...not saying he's one of them, but history does repeat itself... and following Bush, I'd be more cautious.

Even if you can trust him with these new laws that are taking away your Constitutional rights...can you trust the next guy to follow him with those same powers?!

reasons not to trust the Presidenta

A message to those on the left and the right

Flies in the vaseline we are, sometimes it blows my mind
Keep getting stuck here all the tiiiiiiiiiiimmmmme...

Is it you, is it me, search for things that you can't see
Going blind, out of reach, somewhere in the vaseline...

I know that some people will think this is crazy...
People on the right and the left will probably think it's stupid...but...
if you listen long enough to the things he is actually saying...
...Dr Paul can make your eyes water!

The things Dr Paul says breaks through the grease ceiling that's trapped us all and held us all down to a certain level of subservience to the 'system' of bureaucracy, lies, racketeering, mass deceit, propaganda, control and subversive tyranny that has been digging into this nation like a parasite with so many over sized tentacles...they have penetrated our most secure departments by way of diplomacy, bribery and coercion. It's time to elect a different kind of politician. One that is not backed by major banking corporations, but rather much more by the people and representatives of local communities. Let's take back American now! RON PAUL FOREVER!

Please reconsider Ron Paul as your candidate of choice if you haven't already.
We need every bit of support to make this a full on landslide against the corporate candidates on both sides of the mainstream.

If you feel a shiver when you hear the word freedom...
If the blood rushes through your veins white hot...
If you feel the same urgency that I do...
Get this message of freedom out to
Thank you for your participation and thank you for sharing this message!

The negative side of universal healthcare

Universal healthcare for all...good idea or not so much?
Just because you're not for universal healthcare doesn't mean you want people to go without the care they need. It means that you see that state run healthcare is a bad's not a free market principle. In the free market, businesses compete. In a state run market, there is little to no choice, long lines, inflation and reduction in quality.

If you want better healthcare, you use free market principles. You enforce contracts and hold people responsible for criminal acts and negligence of course, but you allow the free market to work so that more alternatives can be brought to light. If you had a free market, the actual cures for many health problems could actually be distributed. Right now, most cures are suppressed by government monopolization and regulations created by the corporations and their attorneys to create a narrow window of monopolization within the industry.

The big government is mostly assembled by corporations to protect corporate interest. Free markets allow for competition, hence, lower prices and higher quality. You need a slight balance, but if you regulate the growth of a tree, you bend the limbs a little...but you don't break them!

Look at free market products, such as electronics...computers, cell phones and other tech industries see vast improvements in speed and power every few months and the prices continue to go down. This is thanks to much more free market principles.

Providing universal healthcare to everyone sounds good....but in the long run, perhaps it only makes the problem worse. When the government is paying for something, the price goes up and the quality goes down. Bottom line.

We want everyone to get the healthcare they need. We just see a more effective solution to doing it.

Share this with liberals and others on the left!

affordable health plan, medical benefits, universal healthcare

How Americans define freedom

“Freedom is not defined by safety. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference. Government cannot create a world without risks, nor would we really wish to live in such a fictional place. Only a totalitarian society would even claim absolute safety as a worthy ideal, because it would require total state control over its citizens’ lives. Liberty has meaning only if we still believe in it when terrible things happen and a false government security blanket beckons.” - Ron Paul

A urgent message to all friends online...I am inviting you to join Ron Paul on Facebook
just to learn the details of his platform for President.

You may or may not be interested but I invite you to simply keep an open mind.
Just visit the following links and press the *Like* button at the top of the fan pages.

Then also be sure to press the *Share* button below to invite friends to the pages:

Thank you for your participation and support, it is always greatly appreciated
Ways to spread this message and invite others to the fan pages include:
-Pressing the *Share* button below
-Copy and paste this entire message to virtually anywhere reasonable on Facebook
(Always be friendly and non confrontational)
-Add this message to the and of a blog or article you may be writing... or just as a comment on a Ron Paul article or blog you've recently read
-Paste this message to an email blast to friends or family members
-Share this message on your own Facebook fan page
-Paste this message on to your business website or as a
caption to a Ron Paul photo or quote
-Be creative...treat this message as your own and simply forward it to every contact you can on any social network, email network or blog site. We have many strong reasons to help get the word out. Our country is in an economic crises zone. We need to stop the wasteful spending and restore freedom. Get the word out!

Thank you greatly for your support and we greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word ~ Ron Paul 2012!

Troops and Veterans March the White House on Feb 20th, 2012

The troops and veterans and other members of military march the White House
The news doesn't want you to see this...

The President doesn't want you to see this...
The bureaucrats and lobbyists don't want you to see this...
The military industrial complex and arms traders don't want you to see this...
So that made me think wow...
you really need to see this!!!!
And support your troops
and your country
by passing it on!!
Troops March the White House
Why are all these troops and veterans voluntarily marching
the White House to support Ron Paul for President?

Because he's the ONLY 2012 candidate that fully
defends The Constitution of The United States!!

The mainstream news media stations like CNN and FOX
completely ignored this story.

That's because there's a massive effort by the establishment
of both main parties to keep any newcomers out that
might break up the system and the corruption.
Anyone that rocks the boat!!

Ron Paul rocks the boat in a major way that's difficult for people
to understand, especially if they are simply uninformed and/or
non thinking. He speaks for the people and against elite
corporate government officials, their lobbyists
and bureaucrats.

He speaks truth to power in a much more major way than
any other candidate. Obama, Romney, Gingrich, Santorum are
largely just sellouts. They don't threaten the 1% in any way.

Ron Paul threatens the 1% corrupt elitists in a major way!!
Obama and Romney protect them!
Go to and
watch some of the videos
to learn more!

troops and veterans march white house

We don't need Obamanation

We don't need his fascist mandates... ♫
We don't need his false control...
No dark sarcasm in the White House....
Obama leave those kids alone...
♫ ♬ ♩ ♪ 
Hey...Nobama... leave those kids alone...!!!

Why Ron Paul supporters are so vocal

Wanna know why Ron Paul supporters are so vocal and confident... ?
Are you still wondering why people would be so die hard?

Extend your attention span for a minute and watch
a video like this to get a bigger picture perspective...

If it makes sense and you want to join the revolution
and help spread the word about the revolution before it's too late,
before there's another corporate bailout, before there's another long term war based on lies, before we go into deeper economic collapse, before the serious rioting begins, before the debt slavery is too deep to climb out of, before foreign nations buy out America...
please forward this video to your friends and family and become true
defender of freedom!

The reason why Ron Paul stands out is because he's the
only one with the balls to say the things he's saying...
but you have to look deep.

Watch this video below and visit for some more detailed information
on where he really stands on the issues.

ron paul, why people want ron paul

Why democrats are feeling deceived by The President

Should the government be more powerful than the people?

Tell him to take Monsanto out of the FDA and Mars candy co out of the USDA....tell him to fire Goldman Sachs... !!! Who are we kidding... it's too late!!!

But still...please tell him we don't want corporations telling us how to live and eat and controlling our food supply.

Nothing personal against the man... but that's real talk!!!

What could be more offensive to Americans than to put a corporation in charge of a Federal agency in such a blatant manner?

We don't want we?!?!?!

That's about as right wing as it gets!

I don't want to call him evil and make personal attacks.... but I thought that was mainly the kind of thing big government republicans might have done.

Monsanto has produced corn that is shown to destroy organs inside the bodies of lab mice and much, much MUCH MORE!

I'm not here to tell anyone who to support here, but I'm just saying, I think there's a lot that most people aren't really thinking about.

Obama voted for corporate stimulus packages!! Remember those?

That's corporate welfare!!! Billions of dollars to failed corporations.

Our taxpayer dollars.... we gave them... a reward for failure!!! Obama voted yes on those... just like Bush!!! Think about it!! Then he hired all of Goldman Sachs to his cabinet... like Bush did!

Ideally, Obama would have been my President too....because I would think of myself as a dem in most respects...but when he was getting all looked very phony to me. 

I don't want to bring him down because I don't like something about the way he looks, his ethnicity or birthplace or something kinda neither here nor there in terms of actual policies being implemented. I would normally identify with a black guy on the left...but this guy is a corporate crony... he hired nothing but Goldman Sachs and Monsanto.

Think about it.... he is related to George Bush.... so, what if he's really just part of a massive corporate agenda to effectively enslave and control the American population, largely through currency manipulation and war?

I don't mean to make anyone mad or argue.... I just see him as a traitor to the left... democrats and liberals are normally anti war and anti corporate elite control... but this guys heading into another war based on intel from the same people who brought us Iraq and 9/11.... and he's creating a corporate government. Sadly, the news on tv doesn't report this's really very incriminating.

Sadly, many people will support him just because he's what they want to see, visually... he's a black man ... in the White House..... it's an illusion.

Think about it.... many people will vote for him just because of that one thing... then others will vote just because he has a D next to his name or his opponents have an R next to theirs... it's very superficial... surface oriented.

If we really went back and looked at the specifics of a lot of his policies...they are mostly the exact opposite of what a true freedom loving liberal or person of any kind would want.

It's like he's just continuing Bush policies with a communist seems very dangerous and honestly, kinda think that the government is more powerful than the people...and then to impose stricter gun control laws... I mean think about it... that's what Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao did...not saying he's one of them, but history does repeat itself... and following Bush, I'd be more cautious.

Even if you can trust him with these new laws that are taking away your Constitutional rights...can you trust the next guy to follow him with those same powers?!

I stand for freedom and I invite you to join me!
Do you feel the same urgency that I do?? 
Then pass this on to every single person you know!!
Ron Paul might just be your best alternative!

Also, add me on Facebook

What if the President offered to sell a portion of the US to China?

What would you say if the President offered to sell a portion of the US to China...or to hold in exchange for loans? Would you be upset?

What if Obama and Bush were really just a corporatists playing off our divisive views on moral issues like abortion and gay marriage...and in the process they're really working together as a part of a current establishment of the Rockefellers and other elite order to rob us as a nation by giving us a bunch fake loans and easy 'fiat money' and requiring us to pay it back with interest in many ways, including mass inflation and taxation.

Essentially indentured servants with the illusion that they are free....since unless they follow the economic system, they risk being persecuted and worse.

I do see that the drug war is failed, I see that students are $1 trillion in debt with little job growth and somewhere from 10-25%. I see the printing of more money as being likely the main contributor to the encyclopedias and surely most sensible economists will tell you. Printing too many dollars lowers their value, so we need to end or at the very least audit and restrict the FED.

I also see that the military is costing a fortune...and the money is ultimately ending up in the hands of no bid private contractors who do jobs for the big government. I see the golden rule not being practiced well overseas or even domestically, I am very concerned about people having the right to a fair trial (Habeus Corpus).

I think that people should mostly have personal freedom of choice as long as they are not using aggression or coercive behavior... so that's all I'm saying.. it's hard to vote for someone who doesn't take those positions... other than Ron Paul... which many might have all these negative things to say, but I don't see anything substantial...just a couple of mostly speculative points and a bunch of meaningless and immature cut that's just my meaningless input :) I have nothing against anyone, I've never even considered voted republican in any way before.

I don't hear many Obama supporters talking about any issues that matter.... that are truly important like civil liberties, the real cause of the down economy and how to fix it, the real problems with 9/11, the real effects and recipients of the stimulus packages, an audit of the real wealth of the national treasury and the FED, return to civil liberties, highlighting the defense budget or anything else.

I don't hear them upholding Habeus Corpus or following the rule of law. I see them taking away your liberties, breaking their promises, doing business as usual, taking your people to wars that have no foundation in reason and logic.

red america, united states and china, communist america, selling us to china, 

Some people feel they would never vote 'Republican'...

I've never even thought about supporting a republican before. I feel that I'm mostly a liberal, but I don't think you have to be irresponsible just to be one. For me, I'm anti war, anti corporate welfare state, anti inflation, I do think that perhaps the Federal government shouldn't put blanket legislation on most moral issues like abortion, marriage or the drug war.

I do see that the drug war is failed, I see that students are $1 trillion in debt with little job growth and somewhere from 10-25%.

I believe the less irresponsible that we act, the more we ask the government for help, the more powerful they become, the more demand there is for them to play mom and dad and cradle you and make you do things you may not agree with...altho the difference is that the big government overall cares very little for you as an individual. The big government stereotypes you and makes you what you are.

I see the printing of more money as being likely the main contributor to the encyclopedias and surely most sensible economists will tell you. Printing too many dollars lowers their value, so we need to end or at the very least audit and restrict the Fed. I also see that the military is costing a fortune...and the money is ultimately ending up in the hands of no bid private contractors who do jobs for the big government.

 I see the golden rule not being practiced well overseas or even domestically, I am very concerned about people having the right to a fair trial (Habeus Corpus)...I think that people should mostly have personal freedom of choice as long as they are not using aggression or coercive behavior... so that's all I'm saying..

Personally, for me, I'm anti war, anti corporate welfare state, anti inflation, I do think that perhaps the fed shouldn't put blanket legislation on things like abortion, marriage or the drug war, I do see that the drug war is failed, I see that students are $1 trillion in debt with little job growth and somewhere from 10-25%.

Who are the tea party people? What's good and bad about them?

Are tea partiers mostly bad people? Why?

Do tea partiers have any good or valid points you think? Or what are their pros and cons in your opinions?

How important is a balanced federal budget on the list of priorities....roughly?

What if we wanted to cut corporate welfare.... which candidate seems to take the most effective stance against that??

Last I heard, 53% of the federal budget is being spent on a wide array of 'defense' efforts. Is that an issue? Does anyone want to stop killing people on other countries, just cuz our nation got a bad black eye? Can we ever, at any point stand back and reflect and say wait a minute, is there anything we're doing to possibly escalate these problems?

If the price of oil stays steady with the price of gold but fluctuates with the US dollar and has went up dramatically in US dollars....what does that tell you??

What if your tax dollars where mostly being used to kill other people and take away your rights and freedoms? Where would the line have to be drawn before you say enough is enough?

Well I don't pretend to know what it means, but I have seen a video of Obama refusing to pledge to the flag during the national's a little awkward...and I'm secular.... saying 'under God' is not that big of a deal.... it doesn't say 'a Christian or a Muslim God.' It just says God... so what? At the same time, many Christians for example need to refrain from pushing their views on others and implying they are stupid or condemned for not being of that affiliation. Just some random opinions.

why democrats vote republican, why democrats are moving to the gop, democrat to libertarian, never vote republican

Who Is The Most Consistent Candidate?

The most consistent, non absolutist, truly economically knowledgeable candidate from my perspective is Dr. Paul...the true fiscal conservative that will bring the bubbles under control. Stop/reduce the welfare/warfare state and bailouts and massive war budget. Stop the massively failing education subsidizing.

People need to earn their educations. Remember when college cost $5,000 a year? Now it cost $25,000 a year and America is strapped with $1 trillion in student loan debt...that's insane. We that tax payers will pay for that...and many of those kids will be spoiled with a college ticket paid for on the backs of tax paying working class people, many of which didn't even go to college! Isn't that sick?

The other candidates have their marits. But they are not getting to the real heart of the issue... the economy. As far as Ron Paul, if you're unsure or think you definitely don't agree with him on things, I encourage you to take another close look just in case you missed some things he has said...please Youtube Ron on each issue you care about and see what he has to say. Don't just go with who the media says is going to win...prove them wrong and go with who you actually agree with. Every other candidate wants a ton of federal you really want all that absurd debt.

Aren't you tired of major corporations and government bureaucracies going without audit and investigation for spending our tax and consumer dollars in ways that we would highly disagree with?!

Let's be fiscally conservative! I implore you to keep and open mind, like and share this message if it make some sense and nominate Paul Vs. Obama 2012!!!

Please like and share and may all be greatly blessed with abundance, peace and prosperity!

honest politicians, honesty in white house, who is the most honest candidate

An immediate and urgent message to all conservatives, republicans and GOP supporters

An URGENT message to all conservatives and republicans.

You may or may not agree...all that I encourage is just keeping an open mind here and hearing it out.

I personally come from the left in terms of family background and upbringing, but as someone who believes in personal responsibility over government dependency, I have many conservative values that have developed. Now I don't want to argue or create any problems with my fellow friends on Facebook or anywhere else. I don't want to disenfranchise or alienate anyone, so please know that is not my intention in any way.

If you're like me, you know Obama is dangerous to America's I highly encourage you to send this message to everyone you know... share it on Facebook and send the link in an email to friends.

My hope is for this message to go viral and it can only happen with your support. I can't support Obama. He is hurting around badly. He's flipped flopped on so much like the drug war, the troop withdrawal, getting money out of politics, ending lobbying and corporate greed, standing up for Habeus Corpus...even allowing horse slaughter for human consumption, ending stimulus frauds...he's done the exact opposite of what he said he'd do on so many things.

I don't see Obama doing anything different and he has carried on Bush style tactics in his presidency. Some would say that he's nobody to trust with your country and that he protects corporations. After all, they got him elected and he's an attorney. Goldman Sachs is his main corporate supporter, but there are many others.

I just implore you to think seriously about this. Which GOP candidate is best suited to pull Obama's voters away from him in a head to head race...?

Think about it realistically. When it get's down to just 2 people, no conservative is going to even think about voting for Obama the way things are going...they will go out and vote for any GOP candidate at this point...just to oust Obama!!

But if it's Obama Vs Santorum/Perry/Gingrich/Romney/Cain/ got to ask yourself, will one of those guys definitely stand a great chance to beat Obama....?? Remember, there's a lot of liberals out there still...look at OWS...! Do you think any of them will vote for any of those GOP candidates? NO WAY!!! But many would consider voting for Paul.

I know you think a lot of people dislike Obama, but the only candidate they will even consider voting for on the right would be Ron Paul...! Ron Paul realistically stands the best chance in a head to head race with Obama when just use common sense.

I know many people don't want to hear this because they have their opinions and I know you may want to support Perry/Gingrich/Romney/Bachman/Huntsman/Santorum. But think about how much most of them flip flop and turn liberals away in general based on their hardliner positions on social issues. Let's take this seriously and tell everyone you know, especially conservatives that they want a consistent, fiscal conservative that is not an absolutist but has a track record of sticking to principals.

You don't want an endless war against a tactic called terrorism. Terrorism is a tact and by definition cannot really ever be destroyed. To say that we're at war against terrorism is to imply that we are always scared of an unknown future event that can happen at any time.

Going to war really doesn't solve anything. What has it really solved for us? We are going to pay for it for many years to come. Are you getting anything out of it other than a bunch of dead bodies. Is it really worth up to several hundred thousand dead civilians in the middle East just for us to catch one guy who never even admitted to actually committing the 9/11 attacks in the first place?

I know some people think foreign policy is a big issue...but the reason for that is because we are a welfare/warfare state. We really don't mind our own business. We keep printing up more money to send overseas. If we would have just kept that money, we could have much more bargaining power and we'd be much more independent. We wouldn't be borrowing hundreds of billions of dollars from China, we wouldn't be printing up all these extra paper dollars causing massive inflation bubbles on housing, healthcare, social security, education, energy and case you've noticed.

We don't have to be isolationist just to be conservative. Some people would say that conservative people are isolationists moreso by their very nature off being less altruistic in let's not call the kettle black. There is absolutely no need for a bunch of your own tax dollars to be paying for 900 military bases around the world, that's absurd! Would we ever tolerate a Chinese military base here in the states? No, absolutely not!

Think about it. Peace and prosperity for all. Send an example. Teach countries to fish, don't give them a fish. Why would we have our military in other countries if it wasn't profitable in some way? We wouldn't!! Are you profiting from it? I would guess the answer is probably no...unless you're a stockholder with Boeing, Remington or Lockheed Martin of course.

So ask and why should we, as taxpayers, support and pay for a war that we know was started on definite lies?Say no to war! A war has to have a clear objective...our objective is VERY MURKY! Do you know what the real reason is that we are in this country for 11 YEARS???  I mean come on... how long did WWII take? Think about it!!

Ron Paul has the stance on social issues that is based in Christian values without alienating the more secular voter. He makes it possible for many liberals to fit in more comfortably with the largely conservative idea of personal responsibility. If you want to have liberals listen to your ideas of fiscal conservatism, you have to allow them room on the table and Ron Paul's approach does that. Share this message. Ask your friends to share it.

Can Romney really beat Obama....?? That's a good question... think about the fact that the GOP is pushing a guy who lost to a guy who lost to Obama in 2008. You may say the same thing about someone like Ron Paul...but the fact is, the GOP never promoted him and they certainly don't want him now. They say it's because of foreign policy that the GOP doesn't like, but in fact, I would be willing to be if Ron Paul ran as a democrat, he's have the same problems being promoted by the party. Neither side likes him, because perhaps both major parties are really a part of the same overall establishment. Goldman Sachs is a major corporation that supported Obama's election and now supports the Romney campaign. Why would they support both candidates? Because they want to win either way. They are the corporate candidates and they will do anything to win. They will cheat.

Tell everyone about this, spread the word everywhere...pass this message on to all concerned voters, because honestly, if you're anti Obama or just a conservative in general, I believe you really need to think about this. It's not just to get Ron Paul in...which I think makes great sense when you really listen to what he has to say...but mainly to get Obama out....who we know is ruining things including the economy!

Think about it people. If this matters to you, you need to make a firm decision to take action and SHARE THIS MESSAGE on Facebook as well. Make it go viral. You need to start voting for Ron Paul in all the polls you see, you need to make a strong push to promote him. Please consider this!! Don't let Obama take the election in 2012 because we picked someone who will likely lose a debate with Obama.

The most consistent, non absolutist, truly economically knowledgeable candidate from my perspective is Dr. Paul...the true fiscal conservative that will bring the bubbles under control. Stop/reduce the welfare/warfare state and bailouts and massive war budget. Stop the massively failing education subsidizing. People need to earn their educations.

Remember when college cost $5,000 a year? Now it cost $25,000 a year and America is strapped with $1 trillion in student loan debt...that's insane. We that tax payers will pay for that...and many of those kids will be spoiled with a college ticket paid for on the backs of tax paying working class people, many of which didn't even go to college! Isn't that sick?

The other candidates have their marits. But they are not getting to the real heart of the issue... the economy. As far as Ron Paul, if you're unsure or think you definitely don't agree with him on things, I encourage you to take another close look just in case you missed some things he has said...please Youtube Ron on each issue you care about and see what he has to say.

Don't just go with who the media says is going to win...prove them wrong and go with who you actually agree with. Every other candidate wants a ton of federal you really want all that absurd debt.

Aren't you tired of major corporations and government bureaucracies going without audit and investigation for spending our tax and consumer dollars in ways that we would highly disagree with?!

Let's be fiscally conservative!!! I implore you to keep and open mind, like and share this message if it make some sense and nominate Paul Vs. Obama 2012!

Please like and share and may all be greatly blessed with abundance, peace and prosperity!

I've never even thought about supporting a republican before. I feel that I'm mostly a liberal, but I don't think you have to be irresponsible just to be one.

For me, I'm anti war, anti corporate welfare state, anti inflation, I do think that perhaps the federal government shouldn't put blanket legislation on most moral issues like abortion, marriage or the drug war, I do see that the drug war is failed, I see that students are $1 trillion in debt with little job growth and somewhere from 10-25%.

I believe the less irresponsible that we act, the more we ask the government for help, the more powerful they become, the more demand there is for them to play mom and dad and cradle you and make you do things you may not agree with...altho the difference is that the big government overall cares very little for you as an individual. The big government stereotypes you and makes you what you are.

I see the printing of more money as being likely the main contributor to the encyclopedias and surely most sensible economists will tell you. Printing too many dollars lowers their value, so we need to end or at the very least audit and restrict the FED. I also see that the military is costing a fortune...and the money is ultimately ending up in the hands of no bid private contractors who do jobs for the big government.

I see the golden rule not being practiced well overseas or even domestically, I am very concerned about people having the right to a fair trial (Habeus Corpus)...I think that people should mostly have personal freedom of choice as long as they are not using aggression or coercive behavior... so that's all I'm saying..

Personally, for me, I'm anti war, anti corporate welfare state, anti inflation, I do think that perhaps the fed shouldn't put blanket legislation on things like abortion, marriage or the drug war, I do see that the drug war is failed, I see that students are $1 trillion in debt with little job growth and somewhere from 10-25%.

We may all have our individual opinions on all these different issues, but surely we can all agree for the most part that we want freedom from tyranny!!

If you agree, please forward this link or this message to everyone you know, especially conservatives.

We all need to work together, but we also need to fight the status quo so that we can restore liberty back to what our founders intended it to be.

If you feel the same need that I do...
If you feel the same urgency that I do...
Share this message everywhere, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and many other ways! Let's get in it to win it!!

Follow the fan page on Facebook to learn more about the message of liberty that Ron Paul brings.

message to conservatives, ron paul, libertarian conservative, letter to gop, to republican party

Taxing the rich heavily can sometimes lead to more problems than it solves

Taxing the rich will only make the situation will only be that much more money for special interest. There's really only a select few American's getting in on the big pie...the corporation...THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You are a piece of property.... the birth certificate is the title of ownership.

It all goes back to the queen, you are her inventory. You were actually delivered as goods in the form of your birth certificate into the 'waters' of the British ports, meaning you are a citizen of theirs and they own you.
That's what your taxes are about. They just put out some food stamps and basic health care plans and they use the rest of the money to fight their wars. After all Afghanistan is own by the British.Why do you think we invaded them first...? We're being used...and our dollar is being greatly weakened!

Your taxes are being used against you. I'd rather have the average American have their money than some war criminal to get half of it. Even if I was desperate, I'd rather go without a little than to be giving 50% of our money to war like we are now. Right now we're being robbed in a major way, most people have no understanding of inflation and economics it seems and that's the problem. They don't get it, our country is going to be on it's way to being bought out and destroyed if we spend much more.

Some would say Obama doesn't care about you. He doesn't think about you at night. He doesn't lose sleep thinking 'Oh poor homeless children, let's go help them' he thinks 'Yeaaaahhhh....I'm part of the 1 percent fool'

The big thing is so many people are just totally blind to the fact that the social efforts of the government which include mostly things like war, healthcare, housing and education...they end up messing up the society. Kids would get college loans, get massively in debt and many of them don't get the job they expected or didn't make any great income.

Most people that are really successful achieved their success for reasons other than their degree. Many have degrees, but that just creates a false image in many ways. It is watered down and doesn't mean what it used to. Every other person has a business degree, so it's nothing special, you might make a little more than someone without a degree for creates a false class structure.

Perhaps the free market is a better solution for keeping prices down and diversity of choice and selection up. The rich should certainly pay their share of taxes, at the same time, we don't want to scare job creators out of the country. This is supposed to be a nation of individual liberty, freedom and property rights. Restore liberty in the U.S. Government.

free market vs socialism, food stamps and health care, why choose liberty, tax the rich

Reasons why democrats are leaving Obama

Liberals and democrats are leaving Obama. You don't want Obama I can't support Obama anymore. I have to let him go. He's way too shady and way too corrupt. Anyone who reappoints all the Bush guys that he had a change to remove....that's ridiculous. He's just as bad, if not worse than these republicans, which I know sounds crazy, because I come from the left and never ever thought I would vote on the right.

I don't want any other repubs really, but this time, after this last 4 years, I'd almost rather have an incompetent republican than this shyster Obama....just can't trust him at all anymore.... if they're gonna go to war, at least they don't usually pretend to be peace candidate. So many reasons for disappointment. He lied to liberal democrats about the drug war, the mid east war, the troop withdrawal, the horse slaughter ban. He hasn't gotten money out of politics in anyway and he's advancing the warfare/welfare state and it's causing massive inflation through the social fronts like education and healthcare. It's such a shame that most people are naive and it's hard for them to see this, they just think of helping the poor...that's good, but that's not even the issue!

Obama's just gonna keep taxing you, the poor and the middle and upper middle class. You're the ones that are gonna get screwed paying for everyone else...not so much the poor, but the lazy rich and lazy poor. The poor will get a little food and some healthcare and the super rich will get huge tax rebates and benefits of all kinds, while middle and working class works and works and works for decades paying nearly half of their income if not more at some point directly to taxes to be used from every other special interest group but you.

What he needs to be doing is attracting capital and entrepreneurs to the US and giving them incentives to hire, not raising their taxes and regulating them so much, they can hardly operate.... because you all are dependent on them, you need jobs, you are mostly not independent and business are mindless job seekers who are telling all the opportunity seekers and risk takers that they owe you something for nothing.... the welfare state is the reason for the income divide.

why democrats don't like obama, democrats are leaving obama

Think outside the party

Quit classifying yourself along party lines...
there's stupid dems and stupid repubs! 
Quit calling Obama criticizers racist!
Many of us are the very same people
who were the most vocal against Bush!!

I don't like either one, but that's because they are related and largely in agreement with each other ! Bush stole the election once....Obama didn't have to, everyone was ready for the platform he proposed...too bad it was all just to get elected!

Notice he's doing the same thing now! All this sudden, right before election, he's talking about shrinking the government and the military and helping people in the housing market and all that...guaranteed that will all change as soon as he is reelected...he will do nothing in that direction...he will go to war with Iran and you will be crying down the road that these guys spent all your money!

You think Bush and his cronies stole the election...and what... you don't think they might have tried it again? They did...with Obama... the perfect image...he will shut up the peace movement and the leftist! And sure enough...he did!

What does the Fed do?

I don't care if you are young or old!
I don't care who you are, where you come from, what ethnic
background you are, if you're gay or straight, black, white or purple!
I could care less what your philosophy on life is or that you have a different opinion about education or healthcare of housing or any other political issue!!
This is not about party lines or collective groups. 
This is about your freedom and perhaps even your life!
I can't tell you how important this short cartoon video is.
I can assure you, this will very likely change the way
you think about that next loan or credit offer!!
It will probably change a lot of things about the
way you think of your future! Keep in mind that
Zimbabwe currently prints a $100 trillion bill!!
Look up the history of the Philippines, The Soviet Union,
North Korea, Japan, China, The Middle East, Zimbabwe,
Germany....many others... you will then realize how important
it is that America wakes up now!

central banking, debt slavery, the fed, end the fed