Let's see if this helps you make even just a small connection...

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, TIME MAGAZINE and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” 
― David Rockefeller

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
― David Rockefeller

“The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
― David Rockefeller, Memoirs

Obama is a member of the CFR (Counsel on Foreign Relations)... largely organized by David Rockefeller

TIME Magazine Cover: Why Barack Obama Could Be The Next President - Oct. 23, 2006


The truth about Obamacare

Forget Obamacare!!! Obamacare is a mandate that reminds us of the old Soviet Union or Karl Marx or some other form of idiotic communism... do you want your country headed in that direction??!! Think about Zimbabwe, The USSR, the Philippines, China... where they have up to 35,000 forced abortions per day!!! That's communism!! That's fascism...that's totalitarianism...are you going to tolerate complete state control and mandates is the question? Should you be forced to buy a product or service?

Damn right big bankers are scared of this guy

Look... I know this is difficult from some people to understand...especially if you consider yourself a party line democrat or republican.

Ron Paul is the guy the top .1% absolutely don't want you to think or know about! Ron Paul gets people to go buy guns and completely boycott any kind of centralized power or monopoly, corporate, government or otherwise... Ron Paul gets people livid against corporate power and economic monopolization caused by fascist control freak statists.

Ron Paul thinks you should have the right to drink some raw milk without breaking the law.

He thinks that non violent people who haven't done anything to harm or steal from others should be released from the very highly profitable prison industrial complex system.

He thinks we should spend less money on war and more money helping homeless veterans, elderly and sick people who depend on their retirements, social security and other social contracts that have already been established. He thinks we should stop stereotyping and being party liners, he thinks that since America is at least $15 trillion in debt, perhaps we should be wiser about our spending.

He's truly concerned about all the people being killed in the wars. He's the candidate your troops endorse by far. He is the only peace candidate.


He's been saying the same things for over 35 years. He's a man of integrity and principles. He's the only one proposing real solutions to improving everyone's lives and he's the most humane candidate.

The guy in the White House now is the ultimate con artist... next to maybe the Bush family.... actually he's part of the Bush family.... Ron Paul is not part of that whole neocon/neoliberal globalist communist/fascist/statists mess!! This is a time of great awakening!

Ron Paul makes sense. You can't go on what the rumors and TV tell you. The 2012 election is a complete fraud. To understand, you have to look at it from within the Ron Paul camp!

There's a reason people keep talking about Ron Paul even though the news calls him 'crazy' and 'unelectable'.... there's a major fraud...I invite you to learn about it. Learn about Ron Paul more first of all... go to www.2012ronpaul.org and watch some short videos. Use Youtube and Google in case you really want to find out the truth about Ron Paul and the liberty movement!

He has a lot more to say than what you hear on the surface

He's the only one proposing real, in depth solutions to cutting healthcare cost and making it available to a higher number of people rich and poor!

He's the only candidate that values life from cradles to grave and is not a statist ....he's the only candidate who doesn't want to be a social engineer and doesn't want to propose a ton of legislation on the economy that's actually keeping people just like us from competing against the biggest corporations the most.

He's the only one who offers a challenge to the Federal Reserve private banking monopoly and the bailouts that went to corporate executives. Ron Paul wakes people up... he doesn't just tell you what you want to hear....because for one thing.... he tends to assume you're smarter than just to listen to what paid TV pundits and fake journalists might say about him.... he tends to assume people are smart enough to hear what he's saying... and that's his main fault...but still.... even with the complete corporate media blackout, he's still manages to create a massive and vigilant following of Tea Partiers and 99%ers.

He's the true patriot, he's the sensible non statist who offers less regulations, constraints, fascism and totalitarianism tactics.... more freedom, more liberty... he doesn't know how to control our lives, he doesn't want to control or run our lives, he has principles and wants to change the role that government plays in our lives.... he wants the government to just play the minimum role instead of trying to control everything and make every decision.

He's doesn't think Federal bureaucrats know how to spend your money and raise your child than you do and so he doesn't want to put them on a Federal payroll..since the big pseudo government only exist to the extent which we allow and in itself has nothing and so it has to take something from someone else to give it to you...and this should perhaps not be done be blanket Federal mandates since that tends to actually create monopolies and reduce freedom and competition which is the true means of reducing cost and raising quality. Anyways... again, just random thoughts!


Something For Democrats to Think About

What do you think democrats?
Should we allow the government to keep taxing us?
Does it look like we can trust them with our money?
Is it not time to starve the beast in any way possible and become self reliant?
Can we now see why socialist and regulatory controls are not a good idea?
Can we see how centralized economic controls by the government gives them incredible power by way of legislation and force?

Can we see why liberty, economic and social freedom are of utmost importance?
Can we see why they say rugged individualism and independence are the road to prosperity?
Can we see how socialism mostly just takes money from the poor and gives it to the elite and their enforcing bureaucrats which can largely include law enforcement and other Federal agencies?

Should we think that if the will hire police to control our social activities that are out of their box, they aren't also creating schools that control are mental activities as well?

Should we ever assume that a big government bureaucrat is gonna have more concern for humanity than the owner of most any business? Should we not be alarmed by the tragedies of WWII or Chairman Mao, Stalin, Zimbabwe or the Philippines? Say no to socialist, fascist or communist economic controls...say yes to liberty and freedom.

This way, the people will have more money to actually help the poor and hire more people and give back to their own communities as they see fit....not some monolithic pseudo entity called big government!!


What American's are demanding without compromise

More free will, more freedom of choice, more free market of ideas, more innovation, more concern for veterans and people who are ill, more level playing field for businesses, more choices, more freedom for straight and gay couples, more sanctity, more morals based on fundamental common sense, more freedom of religion or non religion, more possibilities and innovation and lower cost in education...

More competition in the market place to increase quality and decrease cost, more fiscal responsibility, more concern for your independence and right to defend yourself, more property rights, more respect for human life, more respect for other countries, more humble foreign policy, more diversity in commerce and culture, less national and personal debt, less inflation, less bureaucracy, less handouts to the privileged...

Less lobbyists, less conformity and statism, less military interaction, less tax and spend policy, less red tape and artificial regulations, less big government controls, less nanny state legislation, less CPS child abductions, less DEA Federal drug raids and wars on natural substances, less confiscation of private property, less imprisoning, taxing and enslaving non violent offenders, less need for a massive prison system, less corporate cronyism and monopolization, less subsidizing of failure...

Less Federal departments for corporations to take over, less TSA gropings, less FCC censorship, less middle man commerce, less private military contracts, less nation building, less use of force, less drug use, less dictatorship, less fascism, less communism, less neocons, less technocrats, less drone warfare on the homeland or abroad, less tyranny, less totalitarianism... but a lot more libertarianism...!

Say goodbye to the economy and lives of a free people

What I see is that the government subsidized programs which were artificially funded at artificially low interest rates has put America into an over inflated state...or economic bubble... the government has allowed the privately and secretly run Federal Reserve bank to print up a bunch of paper dollars that far exceed the nations gold stock and other real goods and wealth that the dollar is supposed to represent and then they gave all those paper dollars to all kinds of special interests groups that we may or may not agree with...in other words, government spending in general... subsidies, foreign aid, war, welfare, education, healthcare, secret projects, Area 51 maybe etc etc etc.

Now all those government subsidized areas of market delivery are some 4-500% higher in cost than they were less than just about 20 years ago... like agriculture, energy, healthcare, education, housing and others.

Seriously, the price of homes in many areas is probably 3 times what it was say 20 years ago.... gas used to be $1, now it's $4+, many staple foods are at least 3-5 times what they were then, healthcare we know is a complete train wreck in terms of cost... but did the average American income go up 3-500%? No... !!

So that's how I see the whole currency inflation scenario... when the government..or the state takes economic controls and starts paying for everything with our tax dollars...then monopolization, bureaucracy, cronyism, theft and corruption of the worst kind is created...truly evil and arrogant people get wealthy and the common man is used like a pawn being sold on the 'social policies' of the system and in essence, asking for a technocratic tyranny where the minds of these very people must be conditioned, controlled and consoled by propaganda... and so the media must be constantly bribed, threatened and bought off in order to control the public discourse of conversations... so that the truth is distorted and the real truth is in fact considered to be treason or criminal.

Meanwhile, as far as the delivery of those goods and services, the price goes up and the quality goes down...so unless we start embracing libertarian ideas that take the money out of the governments hands and puts it back into the hands of the people... say goodbye to the economy and lives of a free people.... and say hello to 1984!!