The liberty provided to us in the US Constitution was designed to allow us the maximum personal freedom of choice in the ways we conduct our own lives and spend the fruits of our labor minus that which takes from the life or liberty of someone else, in which case it will be a matter left to one of a diverse number of courts where the matter could be reviewed and judged upon by a group of peers in a speedy and just manner.
The US Constitution gives the Federal officials no authority to legislate medicines and substances that are considered to be taboo/inebriating/intoxicating.... this is an issue that would be a state matter so that there may be competition and diversity in how these matters are handled and so that people may 'vote with their feet' as a last resort.
There is something to be said for discrimination, but the important thing is that we embrace the fundamental ethics of ancient civilizations which is to be anti racist and pro diversity, business, negotiations and trade through voluntary means...this really is what brings communities together and so the federal government should have no authority to restrict or regulate the economy and redirect the fruits of the labor of the people into the pockets of a handful of centrally controlling bureaucrats who then take your money and spend it on the projects that you would never approve of.
The US Constitution most certainly would never approve of the CIA, DARPA, FEMA, DOE, ADA, FDA, EPA and many others in any legislative form whatsoever. These programs should only be voluntarily funded by individuals who want those organizations and their approvals. Never funded with you or anyone else's tax dollar.
We should never be protected from ourselves by our own government. They can't make you a better person. The state can't make a person not be a racist or not be depressed... only influence and adherence to the fundamental principles of humanity and philosophy can do that...not a monolithic voice coming out of the telescreen.
Do Americans really get to choose their President?
Some would say the elections are rigged. Some would say it's best to vote independent, others want to support their party line....almost regardless of whether they agree with some individual parts of the platform.
You could say you voted Gary Johnson and represented libertarians across the board as one possibility... or you could have written in Ron Paul and voted all other libertarian candidates running for office in this cycle.
Either way, as far as the Presidency, we know the government body will not allow RP or's anathema to have a libertarian President elected, since we want to cut the government the most. So we have to fight that system with Ron Paul's ideas. They are simply core, principled libertarian ideas.
I say write in RP in the states that you can and vote GJ and all other libertarian candidates...because the fraud was against RP...we need to make them know that America is waking up. We need to reach more people outside our own circle of friends though. RP, GJ and the libertarian movement! Share your thoughts.
Obama and Romney agree... on NDAA Indefinite Detention for U.S. Citizens.... because ... the Jews thought they were being shipped off to some daycare center and the Germans thought they were free!!!
A real Ron Paul supporter will not do a thing to support Mitt Romney or Barrack Obama!
We will not lift a finger in their favor... we know that every promise they make us or every deal they offer us is completely phony! The real Ron Paul supporter will never vote for either one!

Urgent message for registered voters only
********HEY, YOU... YEAH... YOU... I know this sounds crazy right.... but get this.... your friend shared this blog with you to ask you to visit this website for a few short videos to see what Congressman and Dr Ron Paul is doing to unite all Americans, democrats, republicans, independents and others and bringing us all back to our most cherished constitutional rights such as our right to privacy, liberty and the right to earn a living and live mostly free of excessive state controls and taxation to fund a bursting welfare/warfare state economy that has taxed the people far too much and then spent way too much money on all the wrong things.
Your friends shared this with you to simply ask you to take a few minutes to put aside any and really all preconceived notions...and just watch a few of these videos at to really learn what is going on with this particular candidate. YOU JUST HAVE TO KEEP AN OPEN MIND!! VISIT THE SITE...BROWSE THE FEW SHORT VIDEOS.********
I'm not hearing any Presidential candidates talking anything about DARPA drones, ACTA, NDAA, SOPA, HR 347, sanctions, phony foreign aid, education debt, the Federal Reserve, QE3, eminent domain and property rights, UN troop presence, mic slips, teleprompters at conventions, failed and crony TARP and GM bailouts, CFR, TLC and NATO membership, TSA, HUD, DHS, NSA and FDA expansion, FEMA and CIA black secret black ops budgets, 9/11 questions, Monsanto, Mars Candy, Dupont, Johnson & Johnson, Goldman Sachs and other corporations crony fascist government takeovers and operations... I'm not hearing anything about urban sprawl and the fallout from central housing and economic planning!
Perhaps they don't want to round up 12 million illegal immigrants and deport them...perhaps they want to round up 12 million US citizens and lock them up in Gitmo and FEMA camps
America... we the people united for overall principles of smaller government with less focus on military efforts, a peaceful foreign policy, some limited but reasonable welfare for the elderly, sick and veterans etc...people really in need, less fake money and credit from the corrupt Federal Reserve!
If we simply realize that overall Bush, Obama, Romney and even Clinton are largely all the same.... Romney wrote Obamacare, Clinton was the most conservative and peaceful, Bush was completely corrupt and Obama is related to Bush and Cheney... your worst enemies!!!
Whether you like Obama or not...
The fact still remains, whether you like Obama or not, Romney has little virulent support.
Romney and Bush are in the same bloodline as well and many conservatives see him as a fake RINO (Republican In Name Only). What is important is that we support the revolution. What the Tea Party has done is said that they don't want the government using their money against their will!
The whole point to this is to gradually expose more Obama supporters to the liberty movement... don't get it twisted!
Go post this anti Romney fan page URL on Obama's thread below it... the more the merrier :)
Anti Romney URL:
Obama URL:
America... we the people united for overall principles of smaller government with less focus on military efforts, a peaceful foreign policy, some limited but reasonable welfare for the elderly, sick and veterans etc...people really in need, less fake money and credit from the corrupt Federal Reserve!
If we simply realize that overall Bush, Obama, Romney and even Clinton are largely all the same.... Romney wrote Obamacare, Clinton was the most conservative and peaceful, Bush was completely corrupt and Obama is related to Bush and Cheney... your worst enemies!!!
Romney and Bush are in the same bloodline as well and many conservatives see him as a fake RINO (Republican In Name Only). What is important is that we support the revolution. What the Tea Party has done is said that they don't want the government using their money against their will!
The whole point to this is to gradually expose more Obama supporters to the liberty movement... don't get it twisted!
Go post this anti Romney fan page URL on Obama's thread below it... the more the merrier :)
Anti Romney URL:
Obama URL:
America... we the people united for overall principles of smaller government with less focus on military efforts, a peaceful foreign policy, some limited but reasonable welfare for the elderly, sick and veterans etc...people really in need, less fake money and credit from the corrupt Federal Reserve!
If we simply realize that overall Bush, Obama, Romney and even Clinton are largely all the same.... Romney wrote Obamacare, Clinton was the most conservative and peaceful, Bush was completely corrupt and Obama is related to Bush and Cheney... your worst enemies!!!
Why a vote for Ron Paul is not a vote for Obama
Ron Paul is not a vote for Obama because, if it weren't for Ron Paul... not only was I never planning on voting for Romney in the first place... I simply wasn't planning to vote at all.
In fact, Ron Paul was the only Presidential candidate I've ever felt compelled to openly support.
He's the only candidate that seems to have made consistent sense on philosophy and principle.
He's the only candidate who's openly said it's his goal to not control the people, that we should be free socially and economically as long as we don't take away from the life and liberty of someone else.
He stands for the principle of non aggressive, civil disobedience as well as the Second Amendment which serves as our reminder, as a free people, to bear arms.
He stands for sound, commodity backed currency that relies on more than just the simple public trust.
He stands against the private and completely corrupt central bank known as the Federal Reserve.
He stands against the kind of currency manipulation which is very deviously bankrupting our country.
Ron Paul stands against fascism.and totalitarian corporate statism.
He doesn't think Monsanto should be running the FDA or that Goldman Sachs should be operating HUD.
He doesn't think the government should bail out big bankers and corporations with our money.
Ron Paul thinks you should have the right to drink raw milk or simply use some marijuana without being arrested or even harassed by agents or officers.
Ron Paul feels that if you don't take from the life and liberty of another, then nobody should take away your life and liberty and that's all the government of a free people should be allowed to do!
So when we vote for Ron Paul...we vote for Ron Paul... not Obama....or Romney... they are mostly the same.
I'm not hearing anything from Romney or Obama about issues like DARPA drones, ACTA, NDAA, SOPA, HR 347, sanctions, phony foreign aid, education debt, the Federal Reserve, QE3, eminent domain and property rights, UN troop presence, mic slips, teleprompters at conventions, failed and crony TARP and GM bailouts, CFR, TLC and NATO membership, TSA, HUD, DHS, NSA and FDA expansion, FEMA and CIA black secret black ops budgets, 9/11 questions, Monsanto, Mars Candy, Dupont, Johnson & Johnson, Goldman Sachs and other corporations crony fascist government takeovers and operations... I'm not hearing anything about urban sprawl and the fallout from central housing and economic planning! How about you?!
Romney supporters never said they wouldn't vote for Ron Paul if he was the nominee.... but Ron Paul supporters were saying they wouldn't support Romney, since he's largely in agreement with Obama on many issues. The GOP should have listened to us! But we know the truth is that the government overall is there to protect it's own interests...and $1 trillion in cuts to the government certainly isn't in the government's best interests!
It's never too late to join the revolution!
Ron Paul Only
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